Friday, April 25, 2014

Ultimate Homemaking Bundle - The Laundry Monster!!

photo credit: GloriaGarcía via photopin cc

So, I glanced through the list of books in the Ultimate Homemaking bundle trying to decide where I'd start.  Perhaps with homeschooling because I'm always looking to grow there.  Or maybe spiritual life because that's where everyone should go first right?

Then I saw it. The title called to me almost audibly, Taming the Laundry Monster by Angi Schneider

Does she have a camera in my house, I wondered?  How could she know??

Laundry has always been the bane of my homemaking existence.  I've tried it all.  I've tried having a set laundry day.  I've tried doing laundry all week long.  I'm responsible.  They're responsible.  We're all responsible.  Regardless of what I do, I still end up with the same thing: a pile of clothes waiting to be washed laying on the kitchen floor in front of the washing machine, a somewhat folded and sorted pile of clothes on the couch waiting to be put away, and a pile of clothes wrinkling into nothingness in a basket waiting to be folded. I told my dad one time that I wished I lived back in the days that people sent their laundry out to be washed.  But with my luck, I'd be the washer woman!

With that in mind, I am extremely excited to see what she has to say about taming my laundry monster.  If it works, it'll be worth every penny.  And the other 79 + items will just be bonus!

So, have you checked out this list yet?  What looks good to you?

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